Saturday, August 27, 2016


More than 200 witchdoctors and traditional healers have been arrested in Tanzania in a crackdown on the murder of albino people. President Jakaya Kikwete has described the murder of albino people as an "evil" that has ashamed the national of Tanzania.
The government of Tanzania introduced the center’s which was used by other dis-abled like Buhangija -  Shinyanga, Mitindo - Mwanza Kabanga – Kigoma  and other to take care of albino who were found in their zone. Due to the pressure of the famine the activity included any albino who was dependent to the family for security. For this restance others was above primary school age so as to spend all time in yard without any professional while their expecting to be father and mother of tomorrow. One of the effect of gathering different ages together is too difficult to control their attitudes especially those in maturity stage some time it causes early pregnancy.  According to report from Buhangija more than twenty aged Albino their supposed to be out of the center and this figure is out of those who will fail their final primary school examination.
This lead to think on building vocation center where this aged albino plus those who completed primary and secondary education without professional skills and those who live out of the center will get it and they can manage their future plan with their families. The expected skills is based on entrepreneurship, tailoring and carpentry as basic. This project was planned after visiting all Albino’s who live at Kishapu and Shinyanga districts. They are dependent to families they don’t have any vocation skills and most of the time they live in fear.So after being skilled they will work by themselves and they will change the life of their families. By getting entrepreneurship skills they will make groups so as to run their business. Vocation skills plus working instrument (capital) is only the solution for aged Albino to meet their needs.


Albinism is a genetic condition where people are born without the usual pigment (color) in their bodies. Their bodies aren't able to make a normal amount of melanin, the chemical that is responsible for eye, skin, and hair color. So most people with albinism have very pale skin, hair, and eyes.
In many parts of Africa people with albinism are misunderstood, disadvantaged, and even attacked and killed. Their body parts are sold to witchdoctors for use in charms and magical potions believed to bring wealth and good luck.
In Tanzania, albinos represent one in every 1429 births, a much higher rate than in any other nation. According to Al-Shymaa Kway-Geer, an albino member of parliament, there are 6977 officially registered albinos in Tanzania. However, it is believed that there may be up to 17000 undocumented. A number of albinos have migrated to the Dar es Salaam area, as they feel safer in an urban setting. Tanzania is thought to have the largest population of albinos in Africa. Albinos are especially persecuted in Shinyanga and Mwanza, where witch doctors have promoted a belief in the potential magical and superstitious properties of albinos' body parts and these are the regions where most of albinos are born. There are further issues which arise when there is lack of education about albinism. Husbands often suspect their wives of infidelity with a white man or the ghost of a European colonist when they give birth to albino child. This can cause immense strain on families and relationships. An albino child is often seen as a bad omen and treated as unwanted. Many albino babies become victims of infanticide due to these superstitious views.

Children born with albinism in Tanzania live in constant danger of being attacked by people looking to profit from superstitious beliefs. About one in 20,000 people is born with albinism in Tanzania. According to report from the Thomson Reuters Foundation, albino body parts are highly valued in witchcraft and can fetch a high price: “Superstition leads many to believe albino children are ghosts who bring bad luck. Some believe the limbs are more potent if the victims scream during amputation, according to a 2013 United Nations report.” Reuters also notes, “The United Nations estimates about 75 albinos have been killed in the east African nation since 2000 and have voiced fears of rising attacks ahead of this year’s election, as politicians seek good luck charms from witch doctors." 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Polisi Yapambana na majambazi Mkuranga.....Difenda zaidi ya 16 Zipo Eneo la tukio Asubuhi hii

Mapigano makali yanaendelea kati ya polisi na watu wanaosadikiwa kuwa ni majambazi eneo la Vikindu, wilaya ya Mkuranga, mkoa wa Pwani asubuhi hii.
Magari ya polisi (defenda) zaidi ya 16 yamefika eneo la tukio huku polisi wakiwa wameshika silaha zao kwa umakini mkubwa.
Kadhalika, magari yanayokwenda maeneo ya Vianzi Mkurang, Malela, Pemba Mnazi, Mfuru yamefungwa kutokana na mapambano hayo.

Mabasi Yaliyofungiwa Yaanza Kuachiwa ,CITY BOY NA KISBO ZAACHIWA PIA

MABASI yanayosafirisha abiria wanaokwenda mikoani yaliyofungiwa na Serikali kwa kusababisha ajali yameanza kuruhusiwa kutoa huduma hiyo.

Mabasi hayo yameruhusiwa baada ya Mamlaka ya Udhibiti wa Usafiri wa Nchikavu na Majini (SUMATRA) na Wamiliki wa Mabasi ya Abiria (TABOA) kufikia muafaka.

Makubaliano hayo yaliyofanyika mwishoni mwa wiki iliyopita yalilenga kuleta suluhu kwa kuwataka TABOA kusimamisha mgomo wa mabasi uliopangwa kufanyika nchi nzima Agosti 22 mwaka huu.

Zaidi ya mabasi 60 ya kampuni tofauti yalifungiwa na Serikali baada ya kile kilichodaiwa na serikali kwamba yalisababisha ajali kwa uzembe wao.

Wamiliki wa mabasi hayo walikuwa wanahoji sababu ya SUMATRA kufungiwa leseni ya usafirishaji  kwa kampuni badala ya kupewa adhabu basi moja lililopata ajali badala ya kufungiwa kampuni nzima.

Katibu Mkuu wa TABOA, Enea Mrutu jana alisema wamekubaliana mabasi ambayo ni mazima yaliyofungiwa yaachiwe kutegemeana na utaratibu wa ukaguzi yaweze kuingia barabarani kutoa huduma ya usafirishaji.

“Tulikubaliana na serikali ndani ya siku saba iwe imeyafungulia mabasi yetu mazima kutegemeana na utaratibu wa ukaguzi yaendelee kutoa huduma kwa wananchi na tayari serikali imeanza kuyaachia baadhi ya mabasi hayo,

“Baadhi ya mabasi yaliyofungiwa ambayo  yameachiwa kutoa huduma ni ya Mohammed Trans, Mbazi, Kisbo Safari, City Boy, KVC, Wibonera na Kandahari”,alisema Mrutu.

Alisema walikubaliana serikali iyakamate mabasi yote madogo nchini yanayofanya safari za usafirishaji abiria mikoani bila ya kuwa na leseni ya biashara hiyo.

Alisema mabasi hayo yamekuwa kero kubwa kwa kugombania abiria na yanapokuwa barabarani yanawachomekea madereva wa mabasi makubwa.

Pia aliomba idadi ya vituo vya polisi vya ukaguzi barabarani vipungue.
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